Simply Carne
Simply Carne
simply beautiful.. if it were robert fripp I would consider it canon as an alternate album cover
I love how casual okuyasu looks
As an art style when adapting the Araki it is very very good but it looks less imposing and does not match from being very robust to very thin, anorexia must be canon in jojos XD
Vanilla with the style of Jojos's 7th part I love that at least you respected his robust anatomy and didn't make him thin just because
I think that you draw much better than Araki master at present, because you have more consistency and expressiveness, since Araki is being a little weaker in the very simple expressions and anatomy, I think that Araki should be with this style
me encanta estos OC de jojos
Hehe thanks !!
The stand you use is Thorn Yorke and your stand is the Bear from your band logo?
Hahah naaa the bear is not related to the dude xp , and I was inspired by Aqualung (and the album cover) for the user !
Bizarre and brilliant composition, Notorious RIP is broken
I used to be DA artists but they deleted my account and so I want to have the opportunity to make a newground account that seems much more promising to me
Joined on 4/13/23